Top 6 Reasons to Invest in an Attendance Management System
Every industry today is undergoing rapid changes due to technological advancements that exist to create efficiency in our daily routines. While many resist adapting to this change, it is inevitable and has proven to be effective in saving time and increasing productivity. It wasn’t too long ago when employees would come in to work and punch in their time cards when they entered and again when they left so their managers could keep track of their attendance. There was also a time when your supervisor would ask you to fill in a timesheet. However, times are changing. As the workforce is becoming more multicultural, it is also including global techniques to increase efficiency. Employees are travelling more often, and working from home a lot more, shifts are changing constantly, and overtime is becoming more frequent. Of course, while you are keeping track of all of this, you also want to make sure you’re able to efficiently manage time, cost, and productivity. With technology at the forefront, entire businesses are revamping how they work. One of the most important changes that has been implemented is the installation of automated attendance management systems. These technological innovations produce accurate records, offer system flexibility, increase efficiency, and yes, even protect the environment.

Dot The I’s And Cross The T’s
Earlier, whether employees punched in their time cards or filled in time sheets manually, there was always room for inaccuracy. Some people would forget their correct timings, while others would intentionally misuse the system and put in incorrect information. Automated attendance management systems, however, are known for removing these discrepancies. They can keep track of an employee’s check-in time once they arrive for work and register their checkout time when leaving. Real-time tracking enables information of various work schedules to be available for direct inputs. No more face-to-face compliance issues and attendance errors. Once time cards and paper-based timesheets are replaced with the appropriate software, tracking employee working hours becomes a piece of cake. A web-based attendance system will be able to eliminate missed punches and incorrect time entries. Error-free reports delivered in the knick of time will be yours for the taking.
Save Time, Save Money
Organisations whether big or small have numerous departments all of which require constant tracking of their employees and regular working output. All this supervision needs to be conducted by a whole slew of supervisors and managers, requiring more time, effort, and money. Even if employee attendance is not checked daily and the total working hours are not to be accumulated till the end of the month, records have to be kept by someone nonetheless. Where once HR managers needed to sift through countless papers to retrieve employee working hours, with the help of attendance management software they will no longer need to store, maintain, and analyse records manually. Further, it can’t be denied that manual paperwork is prone to human errors, and it is bulky and cumbersome to store and distribute. Implementation of attendance management systems can help save money and control costs by freeing up administration time and ensuring data accuracy all the while increasing productivity and increasing profits.
Find Loose Ends Faster
It’s difficult to take note of every single time an employee enters or departs the office for the day. However, what’s even more cumbersome is generating accounts of all the unplanned absences for specific employees over a given period. With attendance management systems implemented, companies can generate accurate ad hoc and periodic reports on the number of hours worked, fill in the overtime slots, input all the details on leaves and absences, and even allot all the information in a monthly summary report for their supervisor to refer to when needed. Another important factor to consider here is that attendance management systems can capture data in real-time from varied sources. Employees can track, record, and submit their daily attendance, and even go back and check their details of a particular day when necessary. All of this centralised information can help companies develop and implement policies that can further improve visibility and transparency in an organisation, and increase overall productivity.
A Smoother Chain of Command
Staying one step ahead of time, theft and buddy punching of time cards is bound to be a real nuisance when it comes to managing employee hours. Why not let computer software take care of it? With the help of integrated attendance management systems, businesses can now have employee schedules managed, essential work allocated and shift timings kept track of as well. These systems can assist managers in approving early departure requests and the like through automated alerts and notifications. On another note, with so many employees working remotely, on-premise attendance trackers become a real issue to deal with. As remote working is becoming more and more common, cloud-based timesheets are what the future holds for modern companies. This way employees can input their required data from anywhere in the world, and managers and HR can access the necessary information with minimal fuss.
Fewer Chances Of Breaking The Law
Running a business is not easy. There are many rules and regulations to keep up with, especially about labour laws. So whenever you find a way to make your life easier in this regard, be sure to grab it with both hands. Attendance management systems act as a lifeline in such circumstances. If your company shows inaccuracy about their employee records, it is considered a violation of labour laws, which can lead to expensive legal fines. Granted, every country has their own labour laws, but for the most part, the basic points are the same. Employers need to regularly track their employee attendance and show that all overtime has been paid fairly.
Make The World Greener
Each person today has a personal responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint and what better way than to reduce paper usage? A large amount of paper goes into producing time cards and time sheets, but companies can now do away with this unnecessary waste. HR leaders can now get rid of their paper files and be able to store employee timesheets and attendance details in a centralised cloud-based attendance management software.
To ensure optimal success, all businesses whether they’re big or small have to keep track of their employees. Monitoring employee time and attendance is a time-consuming task with several managers having to keep an eye on employee arrival and departure times as well as keeping track of their leaves. Similarly, employees need to be well aware of the company’s attendance and leave policy so they can meet their employer’s expectations and surpass their own set goals. More and more businesses every day are now adopting the latest technology in attendance monitoring so they can effectively track time irrespective of their physical location. Cloud-based HR management software can help organisations avoid inaccuracies and compliance issues while empowering employees to clock in and out from anywhere.